
Protestant Pastor, Writer, Poet and Composer from Halle on the Saale


tein's Life

Hermann Otto Nietschmann was born on January 11 1840 in Neutz,a little village north of Halle.

His father was Johann Gottfried Andreas Nietschmann, born on 12/10/1807 in Groitsch near Teicha, died on 11/24/1891 in Halle/Saale.
He was a teacher.


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With 13 he joined the Latin school (Latina) of the Francke Foundation in Halle. There, he did his Abitur (school leaving examination).

In 1859 he was matriculated for theology at the university Halle-Wittenberg

1864, after completion of studies he worked for a short time as tutor.

1867 he became a deacon, later the priest at the Moritzkirche and at the city hospital in Halle/Sa.

moritz 90x90Click to enlarge

At the Church of St. Maurice Armin Stein 40 years worked. On 10/01/1907 he went into retirement.
In the rectory of his church he wrote most of his works.

With his wife, a née Berta Brandt (born 23.3.1841) he had got four children.

He died on November 27 1929 after a long, creative life in an age of 89 years in Halle (Saale).

His grave is on the Nordfriedhof in Halle.

 Grab von Armin SteinClick to enlarge


Armin Stein's "August Hermann Francke" as facsimile print

350th Birthday of August Hermann Francke

At the 350th birthday of August Hermann Francke, the Projekte Verlag Halle has re-released Armin Stein's book as facsimile.


Click on it!

Francke Foundationes Halle/Saale


Francke Foundationes Halle/Saale